We work so that life can evolve in free, healthy and fair conditions.
Regenerate Costa Rica brings together a community with multiple capacities in order to reflect, plan and activate projects that enable the transition towards a regenerative paradigm.

Identify demands and tipping points that can drive regeneration

Facilitate educational opportunities around regenerative development

Articulate allies, tools and resources for regenerative development

Make accesible the basic concepts of regenerative development

Conceptualize , manage and execute regeneration projects

Build a new narrative that allows us to imagine and create a future of abundance and well-being for all
Read about our projects here

In 1994 Eduard Muller founded the University for International Cooperation (UCI) with the purpose of training young leaders in an integral, transversal and holistic way.
Focused in the development of systemic thinking and skills, UCI seeks to face the complex problems that the planetary crisis presents.
It is in this context that the institution became a pioneer of regenerative development in the country, and that in 2018 launched the Regenerate Costa Rica program.

Eduard Müller

Felix M. Cañet

“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it, and to foster its renewal, is our only legitimate hope”
- Wendell Berry