Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture integrates a series of nature-based solutions that work in collaboration with nature rather than against it.
In this way, the soil's natural biological and chemical cycles are restored and thus also its ability to sequester carbon, produce more food without agrochemicals, retain water and be more resilient to climate variability.
In Costa Rica Regenerativa we bring together a community with multiple capacities to reflect, plan and activate projects that allow the transition to a regenerative paradigm.
We are promoting and practicing regenerative agriculture through the implementation of family and community gardens, where people can grow their own food and at the same time, regenerate their soils, learn about their ecosystem and build their economic autonomy.
What we have achieved so far

Since the implementation of the community garden in Tempate, requests for psychological support to local NGOs have been significantly reduced
We have started to implement poultry production in one of the community gardens. We started with 60 chickens and after 2 cycles the production has already increased to 100 chickens per cycle.
Why is it important to transform agriculture?
The planetary boundaries approach has identified 9 planetary boundaries, 4 of which have been crossed, putting the safe operating space for humanity at risk.
Biodiversity loss and fertilizer use are already at the high risk level.
Conventional industrial agriculture has been the main cause of the transgression of these planetary boundaries. By changing the way we produce our food we can reverse global changes and regenerate the conditions for life on the planet.

"The future can't be predicted but it can be envisioned and brought lovingly into being. Systems can't be controlled, but they can be designed and redesigned."
- Donella Meadows